Want to make a difference

in a child’s life?

You can change
a child’s life forever

Become a supporter today!

Together we can provide an integral help and make more dreams come true. It costs $11 a day, $77 a week, to sponsor a child with our Integral Help Program. You can provide children with a caring home, food, clothing, Education, medical care and other daily provisions.

Our Integral Help Program

Know More

Full Scholarship

Housing Help

Shoes, School and Sport uniforms

Groceries including healthy food

Books School Supplies

Utilities coverage

Extra-curricular and reinforcement classes

Petty cash for medicine, vitamins and other needs

School Bus Transportation

After School Activities

Knowledge sets you FREE!


Morpheus is a self sustainable non-profit Organization, obtaining the necessary funding and resources from a variety of supporters like you. Your contribution will help other children in Guatemala to continue with their education and to achieve their dreams of studying, improving themselves and getting a dignified life with our Integral Program of Housing and Food, donations received will help with the funding to support the integral growth of these children, as well as our program of Rising Stars.

In Santiago Sacatepequez, the area we are currently working on has more than 1,100 children ranging from ages 0 through 10, at least 80% of this population abandon their studies for many reasons, among these, the lack of economic means to sustain their education and malnutrition, negatively impacting their performance at school. We believe education is the key to a better future, a long-lasting tool and the only thing nobody can take away from you!

Our Supporters

Private Companies

Government Institutions

Government Institutions





Adopt a dream and make it come true for a child in Guatemala with
an integral program providing full coverage of their needs.
