Rising Stars

Every star up in the sky shines with their own light, shining in the dark of the night. There are some stars brighter than others those are the ones guiding others to follow. We all have our own twinkle on earth like stars. Sometimes, our light has been faded, absent or completely turned off, consequently losing its radiance. Against all odds, there is always that opportunity to get our own glow back to make it bright again, encouraged by the necessary support to a person needs to shine with her own light, setting the example for others to shine as well.
Identifying the spark on children and help them to shine again is what becoming a Rising Star is all about and what’s leading Morpheus Foundation. Creating the necessary support programs in a suitable environment, where children are encouraged to discover their own talents and dreams. Our focus is encouraging children to learn how to dream, regardless of past circumstances and adversities, by helping them to remove existing barriers and limitations, so they can shine and dream again.
One of our main programs is Adopt a Dream, we strongly believe, if you dare to dream, you will shine in life. Adopt a Dream provides the framework to sort the steps to achieve those dreams. We all have a diversity of dreams; our program supports that particular question – what would I like to be in life when I grow up?
Education is the first step to follow.
Shoot to the stars!! …Dream.
And become a RISING STAR
Ana Leticia Culajay was a 12-year- old girl living in Santiago Sacatepéquez, she comes from a fragmented family; she used to live in a small room with her mother and her 7 years old brother, the only room they could afford was a place under precarious conditions, without walls, hard floor or water supply. During that time, she didn’t have access to continue with education due to her poor living conditions. Morpheus knew about her story from up close and was touched to help; the spark of life and desire of self-improvement present in Ana Leticia was the inspiration for Morpheus to grant the opportunity to make her dream come true of being a Doctor, by providing an integral help through our Adopt a Dream Program. Ana Leticia has been part of our program since 2017.
Ana Leticia today is 15 years old, until now she continuous receiving full scholarship with our integral help, she has significantly advanced in her education. Ana Leticia and her family live now in a decent place, every month she receives groceries with good nutrition levels, so she can respond to the school demand; utilities bills are also covered as part of our program benefits. Ana Leticia has successfully responded to this opportunity, by obtaining excellent academic performance, school awards and extraordinary feedback from her teachers. All these wonderful benefits, together with our follow up and close work with her family, have not only impacted Ana Leticia’s life positively, but also of her family; Willy, her brother, who is now 10 years old, is so well behaved and inspired by her sister. He is currently receiving half of our integral help benefits encouraging him to dream about what he would like to become when he grows up; trusting that Morpheus Foundation grants him soon, the opportunity to receive a full scholarship to fulfill his dreams.
Our Integral Program

6th-grade Graduation
This November 16, our dear Ana Leticia finished her studies of 6th grade, receiving an award and a recognition for her efforts through the whole school term, we congratulate Ana Leticia for her efforts and we support her to keep going forward. If you want to support her education and integral growth, you could help.